Shuichi Miyazaki Lab.
1998 Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University. Awarded the degree of Doctor of Engineering.
1998 Research Associate at Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University.
2002 Associate Professor at Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University.
2022 Professor at Graduate School of Information Science & School of Social Information Science, University of Hyogo.
[Research activities]
My research topic is design and analysis of algorithms for combinatorial problems. I mainly work on (1) approximation algorithms, which try to find near optimal solutions, (2) online algorithms, which perform computation without knowing future information, and (3) intractability, which is to show hardness of problems. My recent topic is the stable matching problem, which has many applications in assignment systems, such as high school match, labs-students match, and hospitals-residents match.
Recent results include the following:
- Approximation algorithms for stable matching problem.
- Online algorithms for minimum cost online matching problem.
- Online graph exploration algorithm.
- Graph algorithms.