Academic Staff Profiles

Jun Kurihara


Jun KuriharaAssociate Professor


PhD in Engineering (Tokyo Tech.)

I am currently an Associate Professor at University of Hyogo, Japan since Jan. 2020. I am also a Principal Researcher at Zettant Inc., Japan since Jan. 2018, and a Visiting Scholar at ATR Inc., Japan since May. 2020. I have been working for KDDI Corp. and KDDI R&D Labs., Inc. (Now KDDI Research, Inc.), Japan from Apr. 2006 to Dec. 2017 as a strategic planner and a researcher for security, applied mathematics and networking architecture. I had been with Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), CA, USA as a visiting researcher. I received BE, ME, and PhD in Engineering all from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2004, 2006 and 2012, respectively.

【Research Interests】

My research Interests include coding theory, computing architecture and information security in communication and networking technology.

– Information security and privacy mechanisms using coding theoretic techniques, e.g., secret sharing, private information retrieval, etc.
– New computing and networking architecture and so-called ‘security-by-design’. Currently, I am interested in edge computing architecture, its security and privacy, e.g., new theoretical (and mathematical) framework of secure in-networking communication and computation, privacy-preserving computation at untrusted third-party edge environment.
– Information-centric networking (Named-data networking; NDN) and its brand-new security mechanisms, e.g., security in edge named function environment.

For the detailed information, please refer to the following websites:
– Personal website:
– Lab’s website:
– Researchmap: